No, I've not fallen through a giant crevace into the bowels of the earth, never to return. (Though I have considered it.) Some days, some times, and some moments are just difficult and leave a mark. That's all I'm going to say about that, lest I dig a deeper pit.
Speaking of pits: When I had the privelege of spending time in Medicine Hat, Alberta with my amazing sister Laura and her prize husband Harry, I had the great honour of accompanying him to the local
mall dump. "Walter's Mall" is what he called it.
I was really encouraged to see that that even the dump has decided to go "green" and provides greenboxes for your shopping ease.

The place was hopping, what with spring break and all. There was plenty in season, ready for spring. A stroller with wide wheels, a perfectly good student desk, a sewing machine for the collection, and a bear without insides complete with cardboard packaging. Mattel made a great spring line as well. Ken and Barbie have finally dropped their facades and present themselves dirty and bare and vulnerable, just like real people. Croquet is making a comeback this spring. It's always great to see this legendary games get the credit they deserve.
Having a little trouble moving your bowels? what you need is a giant floor to ceiling bookshelf in your loo, and two el grande bottles of the hard stuff within reach. Soft music wafting from the back of the can doesn't hurt either Yup, sure is good for the soul to get a day of stress-free shopping in. .

Makes a gal feel right about the world.
what and awesome dump. Makes me want to take the trip. I think I have traded my affections for thrifting to dumping. Perhaps its the economics of the whole thing.
WOW! Is that a discarded enamel bowl I spy in one of those pictures?
yes, Rose. I'm sure you've figured out by now, as I have, that this disease is chronic and progressive.
Crystal. I did get a few things to bring home with me. The barbies remained imprisoned, but the enamel all has a new home in Niverville now. Apparently, one has to pay Walter for anything you want out of the dump, but with Harry being the gracious hostess/tour guide, he dealt some mysterious deal while I was using the waterless toilet, drinking my way through two 75 ouncers, and playing croquet in a pathway of old books.
welcome home!
Hey. I have that Kenmore sewing machine. The tension is all screwed up.
Well. That sums up MY life at the present time.
Did you get the colorful croquet balls? I LOVE those!
K who threw away the bear? I thought you meant like teddy bear.
I can't believe what people throw away. It's easier to post it for free on craigslist and have someone come and pick it up and cherish it.
nope, a for real bear that used to live in the woods. Real paws with claws and everything; stuffed into a cardboard box. Yuck, I felt sorry for him.
the croquet... I really toyed with that, but I left it behind. Walter had hoarded it into his shop, so I knew it was safe from the elements, and since I had ridden to Alta in a car with my sister, I thought it wise to apply some temperence.
I kind of snickered to see the sewing machine, and wanted to give my Bernina some extra oil or something. There is nothing more frustrating than a sewing machine with lousey tension. Served that lousey kenmore right.
oh yeah, and.
The thing that bothered me the most was a cardboard box stuffed full of barbie dolls. Not old, dog-chewed barbies, but the ones with the movable llimbs and pretty hair, and even a Bratz doll. Tell me how people can dump that instead of donating it to the thrift shop or some little girl!!
what kind of dump has a book shelf full of books?... MY KIND of dump!
p.s. welcome back :)
Those barbie dolls are scary!
Fabulous. I've tried to explain to big city folk about how delightful a trip to the dump can be, but they just don't get it. I love the bathroom - and the bear. And I'm always preaching at people not to throw stuff out - take it to MCC! [Leah's sister]
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