Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A budding new blogger?

The entry reads as follows: Pigs are very stinky. They always have a stinky tail and they have a long snout. When they have a litter that means when they have more than one baby sometimes it gets stuck and then if the pig doesn't die the next day we would have to kill it before it spreads germs all over. and that is my say, thank you for your time.
Their feet are black they also eat grain and boy do their feet and farts--oh do they ever stink.

1 comment:

joyce said...

Celena: --hee,hee. I grew up on a hog farm, and am very "not jewish" in that I cook quite a lot of pork...

This charming, albiet cruel essay was discovered when I tidied up the basement after one of the girls had a friend over. Perhaps her father works in a butcher plant or something?

They do stink quite an awful lot when they live with several hundred mates. Especially their farts.