Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Warning: this post may make no sense to you!

I've just had some sort of epiphany.

People tend to get locked into an idea of what "wellness" or "togetherness" looks like and kind of wait for their lives to have real significance until those particular personal wrinkles get ironed out. I was reading Paul's words in The Message a day or two ago where he refers to some type of "flaw" or personal hardship that he deals with on a daily basis and would really like to be rid of. He asks God three times to take it away, but it was evidently not "in the cards". Pauls response? Instead of spending all his energy continuously, stubbornly seeking resolution to this one issue, he did what he could, then got on with the business of living his life with significance.

What a relief.

I may have daily wrestling matches with the "monkeys in my closet" (ugly, strong things that they are!). I may have to repeat some basic truths to myself on a nearly minute by minute basis. I may at times actually begin to swing from trees and attempt to groom my neighbors fur and obsessively munch on bananas.

But I will not be defined by this. I will not sell out and move to the zoo.


Christy said...

Eureka moment! You go, girl!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Joycie! An approach that would be welcome in my life as well!