Start 'er off with a honeyed heart-shaped whole wheat toast.
Rounded out with some last minute heart-felt lovin'.
Rounded out with some last minute heart-felt lovin'.
Dear Josh
You are very cute. You are Good but you ben bab (bad) sometimes.
Write back.
How would you like your toast? With or without anti-seizure medication? Perhaps a little something to keep those fits and tantrums away? Remember.... Love is patient... Love is kind...
How could I not love this job?!
Is this a modern day Saint that I see here before me?

Saint Sam practising his new-found penmanship for the low pressure kindergarten Valentine festival of good lovin'.
Saint Sam practising his new-found penmanship for the low pressure kindergarten Valentine festival of good lovin'.
I love Valentine day and here are the reasons why:
No one has ever started a war on whether this holiday is appropriate, or whether we should say "Merry Love" or "Happy Day", or whether using the word "Valentine" is culturally sensitive.
No one ever asks; "Are you ready for Valentine's?"
And you just can't get too much love.
Or too many red cinnamon hearts.
Happy Valentine Day, everyone!
HEART SHAPED TOAST!!!!!!! You are to sweet! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours also! MK
So true. Happy Valentines Day to you!
yah! i love v-day too! it's the day i celebrate becoming a mrs. to the mr.
happy merry v-day, joyce!
love the photos.
I want to eat Sam.
Your heart is one of the biggest! Thanks for sharing:)
are those chewable pills for sammy? i hope so...or maybe he has no prob swallowing! loved the picture though.:) heart shaped toast, arn't you the sweetest.
Happy valentines
Christine- the meds are chewable, and he is really good about taking them.
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