That coffee sure would have been good with cinnamon buns.
Too bad Laura ate them all- the day before breakfast...
Ah well, (Wo)man cannot live on bread alone, and in the absence of Mary's buns, we had to make do on the other 700 pounds of food that we carried in- roughly enough to feed several dozen contestants before finding their way onto "The Biggest Loser".
Just for balance, we found ourselves in the midst of a wealth of information on how to live healthy. Whilst stuffing ourselves compulsively on hint of lime chips, munchie mix, licorice, and drinking tumblers full of wine, information flowed freely on the benefits of vigorous exercise, and the disciplined practise of eating butter-free bread. Then, like a tapas gone Mary Key/Shaklee/ ponzi party bad, there was an unscheduled, full length testamonial on a highly successful, highly suspect supplement containing elements of unearthed Old Testament manna- guaranteed to rev your metabolism whilst scraping sugary butter off the bottom of the empty pecan bun pan.
Something like that.
Enough to make a recovering nutbar cry unabashed into her rhubarb and vodka slushie.
But the shared nut tree is some of what brings these women together. Shared history. Craziness. Creativity. Opinionated honesty.
And while I suspect that my compadres are back in line with supplements and regimes, I plan on slurping and savouring my way through another year.
Until we meet again.
The cinnamon buns were VERY good. Too bad you weren't a bit quicker, so you'd know what I'm talking about.
Ahh calling LAURA -- even the cinnamon buns in my house (that were made for my poor deprived husband) had to go with less because "someone" ate 5!!!!
Yup, like i said. Very good cinnamon buns. Thanks, good husband of Mary's.
Great photos joyce, I'll "go" here often, just when I feel like pretending I"m at the cottage. Nice....
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