Friday, June 29, 2012

This Photo Is Worth More

... than a thousand words.


Valerie Ruth said...

"her name is Harry Hannah, of course. That's what Joyce calls her"

- zey

janice said...

I saw the whole family photo on facebook - this one is especially special!!! Beautiful kids.

Wendy said...

They are lovely.

Do you take happy sneaky peeks at photos of your kids? I do.

I saw two photos of my eldest son (14) on one of his Facebook friend's wall and I quickly nicked them and now they are on my desktop and I keep opening them and smiling at his beautiful face. (He never smiles like that when I take his photo - I get the "Oh Mum go away" grimace.) So these 2 pics I found are precious. As is yours up there to you, I bet.