1. If the girls have roughly fifty thousand pairs of socks (which I know, because I purchased them, and fifty thousand times $2.98 adds up) ... then how come there are 25,000 odd socks at the bottoms of their closets, and no matter how you sort them, none of them match?
2. Although I spend 13 and a half hours a day folding, washing, drying, putting away, organizing, straightening, watering, maintaining, sweeping, spraying, dusting, discarding, recycling, feeding, wiping, grooming, bathing, baking, scrubbing, and vacuuming, -- this house looks totally unconquered and cluttered?
3. If I have arranged my priorities and my life in such a way that I can be at home almost all the time, and always be home to send my children off to school in the morning, and greet them when they come home in the afternoon-- why then do I feel like I am teaching them almost nothing, that I have not enough time or energy to keep up with the : home reading, math problems, chocolate sales, times tables, dance costumes, birthday gifts, story reading, spiritual teaching, teaching responsibility and self- motivation with doing their chores, teaching empathy and unselfishness, tuning into all their emotional needs, maintaining a close and constantly evolving relationship with four separate entities, making time to spend with each of them individually, feeding them well balanced meals without turning the family mealtime into a time of conflict, while not allowing them to subsist on nutella and marshmallows.
4. If I managed all right in school, and did pretty well in university, why do I write with such run-on sentences?
No matter how much you do, there'll always be more you THINK you could or should have done.
I'm guessing you are doing a pretty phenomenal job.
As for those socks, I think there must be a secret sock network between our washing machines 'cos no matter how many pairs I put in, they never come out matching. Maybe we should set up a website where people can post pictures of their solitary socks so others can match up. A Sock Mating Agency. x
Ooh! Cherrypie, that's an EXCELLENT idea! DO IT!
If you want to find all those mismatched socks they're over at my house. As for the rest of it: that's what it's all about!
Q: "Although I spend 13 and a half hours a day folding, washing, drying, putting away, organizing, straightening, watering, maintaining, sweeping, spraying, dusting, discarding, recycling, feeding, wiping, grooming, bathing, baking, scrubbing, and vacuuming, -- this house looks totally unconquered and cluttered?"
hi joyce, Im Shelley's mom and I am just checking out your blog.
I have a section in my dresser for those I call SWP's (socks without partners.)
I"m not sure why, as not many of them ever manage to get reunited with their sole mates.
I do have a PAIR of socks from your household in my regular sock drawer - proof that they do get lost two at a time as well!
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