Tuesday, April 18, 2006

MMwahahahahah-- I've been tagged!

Okay, I love attention and I've been tagged by Bobita over at "this Sister's Journey". (and no, I don't get how to do that neat blue thingy where you just click it and land up at her site, does it help that I feel a little inadequate about that?!)

So the tag is about revealing six weird facts/things/habits/neuroses about myself. Now, Bobita bless her soul has totally underestimated me. I spent most of the night tossing about how to narrow it down to six. Should it the six most bizarre? Would I regret that? What if people who sort of know me, but don't really get me, or like me all that much use that information against me?

Should it be six things that are sort of amusing but not downright freakish enough for people to phone the authorities? Or, how about six things that actually make me look really way , way deeper and more brilliant that people had ever guessed?

Needless to say, I'm now tired, and afraid that if I don't just cough up a half dozen of something, anything at all- then Bobita will really regret having stuck her neck out for me like that. Let's start with the obvious:

1. I tend to be somewhat neurotic, but in a weird don't-sweat-the-small-stuff way. I have been known to think about things for great lengths of time, overanalyze them to dead-horse-flogging proportions and only sometimes come to really concise conclusions.

2.I have a series of recurring dreams. One is about the many rooms in my house that I forgot that I had, and what fun I will now have rearranging furniture, and shopping for vintage items to fill the said rooms. Then I realise that some of the rooms are actually haunted, or else filled with flood water. I then evaluate (see #1) whether the fun of playing in these new rooms will be worth the potential risks involved.
The other recurring dream is that: I have never actually married my groom of 14 years and I realize that it's really time to make a decision and that if I decide not to marry him, I will really miss the old chap.

3. I have some issues in the realm of the obsessive compulsive. For example, when our first three descendents were little (all at the same time) and I would drive somewhere with them in the dark, I was always worried that I had left one of them behind, or on the roof of the car, or beside the car, or that they had slipped out of the narrow crack between the back door and the highway. To cope with these fears, I would have to put my hand out behind my seat to feel for legs. But, I had to feel for six legs, all in a row. Then I would worry that maybe I had counted someone's leg twice, so I'd have to do it again, and also try to reach far enough back while driving to count three heads, but not hit the ditch at 110 km/hour.
There are ever so many more examples of OCD that I could report, but I don't want to air all my laundry in one day....

4. My husband says that I eat like a chipmunk- holding my bread with all 10 fingers and nibbling away and looking like at any moment I could scamper away to hide up in a tree.

5. (Am I at #5 already? I think I'll re-read numbers 1 through 4 obsessively and ruminate on whether I should change them entirely, and what possible repurcussions these true confessions may have in my life.....)
Ok, here's number 5: I have never needed to wear anti-perspirant. I think its because I'm the last born of eight children and they just plain ran out of parts by the time I came along. There wasn't a whole lot of muscle tone for baby #8, not a lot of quick thinking brain cells, neither were there sweat glands, or adequate cartiledge (I have a small, squishy nose which my brother says is from chasing parked cars when I was little, but I cling to my theory of inadequate genetics).

6. I'm a bit of a wanna-be do it yourselfer. I have been known to cut my own hair, and my kids hair (twice in a full blown adult temper tantrum when my daughters had big fits about having their hair brushed). I pierced my own ears, (but I will spring for a professional when I turn forty and pierce my nose). I carpeted two rooms upstairs using a steak knife and two discarded carpets. One carpet was from a friend who could afford to replace his with hardwood, and one was a carpet that I furtively stole out of someone's driveway on garbage day......
I have tried to hang my own shelving, but only succeeded in knocking a huge hole into the drywall. I would rather move furniture by myself (even up and down stairs) than ask for help and have to listen to you whine about how the house looks fine just the way it is. I don't go for a pedicure, but to the local hardware store to buy those nice sharp razor blades, then I shave off my own callouses, thank you very much.

Okay, that's it. I will also tag six other people, but there's really no point in terms of the greater good of bloggerdom if I do it without that blue letter tricky deal. I'll have to wait until Brian comes home from work and does it for me.

If there was a number 7 it would be that I don't get electronics, and don't even want to, and if Brian ever dies, I will spray paint a sign to put at the front of the house: "For sale: many, many remote controls. Each one controls something, and if you know what it controls, you may take it too".

I love you all and on my next blog (tonight, if Brian isn't too grumpy from teaching german to miserable junior high students) he will help me do my six tag victems properly.


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting me! I have to do the six weird things too... will read more of your blog later! Ta-Ta!

Cherrypie said...

I just learnt how to do that clever linking thing last week ( Seany showed me how). When you are in your Create Post page, highlight the words you want to be clicked on to take you to the new page, then click on the Icon which looks like a piece of chain on the toolbar, between the Text Colour button and the left margin alignment ( are you still with me). That brings up a box that you can paste the address of your chosen link et voila!

If you are quick, you could master it and then delete this comment and Brian will think you discovered it all by yourself. Secrests safe with me.

But you really don't sweat? That is really freaky. You could make a fortune if you could just patent your DNA xx

CeCe said...

Ok, I have that same recurring dream about my house having all these rooms that I "forgot" about! At least once a month!

Bobita said...

Oh, sister! We are from the same mold, I think!!

I LOVED your list! I'm sooooo understanding of your OCD tendencies! I actually say to my kids..."did I forget baby brother?" To which my two older kids exclaim, "mom, he is right there!!"



Carlotti said...

The dream about having extra rooms in my house that I never knew about comes frequently to my slumbers as well. There are often reasons why they are not used; a narrow passageway you have to crawl through for access, flooding in a corner, floorboards that are about to collapse. The ongoing theme is that I remain convinced, dream after dream, that it can all be made right and useable once more. Sounds a lot like my real house, doesn't it?!

Carlotti said...

I just read this one again, and had to laugh at the moving furniture thing; as you know, I share your genetic dislike when it comes to asking for help. The other day it was time to move the wardrobe thingy upstairs. I couldn't do it myself, so asked Gyeong Ho to help me. We got halfway up and realized it would not go around the corner. Not to be defeated, and refusing to take it down again, I held it in its teetering position while Gyeong Ho got a screw driver. We took turns holding the thing and removing the doors.

He kindly pointed out that measuring the furniture FIRST, then moving it, would have been more logical. Who wants logic when you just want to get it DONE?

By the way, my water consumption has suffered of late and I felt really nauseous all day yesterday. Drinking 2 litres of water, believe it or not, (maybe it was pure coincidence) cured the ill feelings. Today I"m back to coffee.

joyce said...

I hate logic, because then its possible that you won't move the thing. Whereas if you start without all the facts, you'll see the thing through, come hell or high water.