Sunday, February 22, 2009

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wedersehen, Good-bye...

I am going to be away from my computer until Saturday, February 28. I've decided to take a break, get some perspective, break out of some ruts that I seem to be in.

I love this place, and I so appreciate the perspectives and almost conversations that flow out from this place. But I've been sort of gloomy, and slumpish, and yuckity for the last while. And I need to just bust away from some of my defaults for coping. A big one of which is my laptop.

Okay. Lest I get weird, and sentimental, and ask for a group hug or something....
I'll just back away from the computer now.



okay. now.


Linda said...

Have a good rest.

Roo said...

with the laptop taken out of the picture -- will you have extra time for coffee with an old friend that likes to hang out with you?

tanya said...

Good for you Joyce! You are stronger than I to not only realize that you need a break from the computer, but to take it.

P.S. When you're back to the online world, let me know when you're coming to HSC and I'll check my schedule.

gophercheeks said...

Enjoy your week.... I will offer a hug from afar, and think of you often.

Take good care of yourself dear.

lettuce said...

hope you are feeling less gloomy slumpish and yuckity
