My mother sometimes worries that we rarely lock our doors. But I don't see what the big deal is: we've got two guard kitties and one really vicious schit-poo that's got an intimidatingly mean Bark.

If we were to lock our door, tell me how we'd ever find Christmas gifts on our counter, competing for space with a can of tonic water, a shadow box frame that I just know I could do something with, and a nifty Christmas decoration in a box?

How would I find happy little gifts for me and the birds? (I got a bag of really yummy pecan popcorn that I gobbled down that very moment. Well before the camera came out.)

The gift-bearers didn't touch the gold, the diamonds, the expensive sound systems and flat screen tv's. They didn't want the wads of cash, the ornately wrapped gifts, the expensive crystal, or the vintage Christmas ornaments.

Or was that because it was all so cleverly disguised.........
Beneath what just last week was a tree?!
Micah says that in a few days we can call the family to "gather around the Christmas stick".....
I'm going to keep the doors unlocked. We don't have a fireplace or a flat screen tv; no wads of cash or expensive sound systems.
Maybe next time we'll come home to the surprise gift of a less departed tree.
I'm still laughing about your tree.
l like how Jane put it "Merry Stickmas"...always funny Joyce! Looking forward to seeing you and yours! Schwester
I don't lock my doors, except when I remember. You put your tree up too early. I am going to get mine tonight. Although, my daughter is on the naughty list, so does that mean I don't need a tree?
Does that mean I'm forgiven for my inappropriate 1950-something use of the term "housewife"? It slipped out before I had a chance to retract it, honest!
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