Monday, December 27, 2010


Christmas at my mom and dad's means that I land up in a chenille bed jacket that my sister apprehended off the head nurse in the Sanikiluaq hospital; a pair of broken reading/sun glasses; a horrer movie (that I'll never watch, since I'm still traumatized from commercials of The Changeling that I inadvertently subjected myself to while baby-sitting at the Reimers....back in 1979 or so...)
I'll get that homemade bottle of wine that Walter re-gifts from his condo neighbour; a book still greasy from late-night snacking, and a portable ashtray.
And that's only part of what happens when I land up with my brother's contribution to the White Elephant Christmas gift exchange game.

For a Christmas that started out with: your mom and dad have the flu so keep your children QUIET in the basement.... your brother is going through a hard time..... the turkey already got cooked last week, it's been waiting in the freezer....your relatives aren't coming.... And for heaven's sake Don't Breathe a Word About So-and-So-and-such-and-such-we-cannot-mustnot-have-a-scene.................................

We actually had a beautiful, marvelous, joyous Christmas.

Which was great, because the day before, we'd enjoyed the most glorious day at home with our own brood.
Nobody got locked into the basement, there were no outbursts of "That's NOT the coolest gift!!" And I don't think anybody fought at all.
All day.

They had better freaking not have.
There was so much to be happy about.

There were some parts that were so happy that they made me cry.
Weep, actually.

And some parts that just had to be done.

Many parts that just thrilled, pleased, and amazed me.

And a number of people for whom spots in my heart grew three sizes that day.
I'm thinking that if Christmas required an evaluation-
This one would score off the charts.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you had an off the charts Christmas! I did too, I think. I am envious of your sugar cookies! Do you suppose it would be improper to make them the week after Christmas and instead of putting them into my "cleaned and straightened up this morning" freezer, I could just "forget" and leave them on the counter. I really missed my sugar cookies this year. Maybe the 2 or 3 year old frozen cookie dough that I found this morning will have to do... Actually, what I really miss is the daughter who used to make the sugar cookies, but alas, she is making her own little bundle of memories which should be arriving any day now. That, too, has me feeling alittle sad - that they grow up so quickly. Enough of that - wanted to say that I love the cut out, stuck on names!! I just might do that next year, right after I make a double batch of cookies!

Have a Happy New Year

The Naked Chef ;)

joyce said...

yes, and yes. I've been thinking a lot about the passage of time. My milestones are: That my DAUGHTERS made and decorated the cookies- all their own idea. Then shared them with the neighbours. aLso that the creative wrappings were their doing as well! It really adds an incredible dimension to Christmas when the children begin to grow up and participate in these lovely ways.

Do tell- a baby in the near future?! very exciting.

(a total coincidence that I dreamed last night that I was nine months pregnant and in a bridesmaid dress....)

Mary KG said...

Truly inspiring.

Anonymous said...

yes, there is baby in our near future! And we are excited! And nervous at being grandparents and nervous for our young parents to be. No wedding yet in their future, but that will come with time...and money.

The Naked One.

jenn said...

Looks like a great Christmas. We had a great one too:) Jill is quite confused each morning when I tell her that she's staying home with me all day.

Anonymous said...

that photo of MIcah is THE most beautiful photo in the whole wide world...

Anonymous said...

Love the candle log...your idea?

janice said...

Did you do that to your shirt? The flower with the button? WOW. I can sew, I just don't. BEAUTIFUL. Will you marry me?

joyce said...

I miss Jill.
My Micah is the most beautiful boy in the world.
Candle log- not mine, or my idea. It belongs to the church, we use it each advent season and I love it as well.
the shirt: an amazing gift from my daughter Jane who did it all by herself. These kids of mine make so pleased.