Wednesday, January 11, 2006

poor, poor me

The Hildebrands have been blessed with the flu. It came to us thanks to some daycare kids (What do you say when dad shows up at 5:30 am saying, "they may be a little tired, and not too hungry, having spent the past 4 days puking and you-know-whatting.) Some day I'll write a blog laced with resentment about the unexpected "gifts" I have received by opening up my home to these truly beautiful children.....

Jane got it first, then Arianna, and by this time I was feeling decidedly queasy. Moms shouldn't be in the line up for flus at all because we are not allowed the privelege. The mopping up of puke and other morsels still shows up on my to do list, whether I have a pulse or not.

Knowing that the boys are still in line for their turn, I decided to NOT call in sick for work last night. I knew that I needed some rest, and where better than at work?! Its one of the great unexpected blessings in my life that I have managed to secure a position in a care home that expects me to look after ONE person at a time AND they insist on sending me a pay cheque!!

Today I do feel more rested, and just in time for Micah to come downstairs this morning holding his tummy....Its high time that we all yack on our sheets anyhow, having found the time to get them all washed and reapplied in recent history thanks to our lice guests.

Do I sound bitter? Sorry, its self-pity that I meant to communicate.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy Joyce, you sure know how to have a good time, first lice and now the flu. Hang in there, and remember this to shall pass.
By the way self pity came across loud and clear. You desrve it!(a little self pity that is, not the flu)