How was I to know that the giant party tent wasn't waterproof?!
The rare Italian lace? Ruined. The punch? Full of tree floaties and earth worms.

Does anyone have a tent?
Actually, maybe something a touch larger would be better.

Mean, selfish, vindictive Sylvia K.. Doesn't she know that all she had to do to be invited was to simply read about the party on the blog?
But Nooooooooooooooooooooo. She had to go and order rain.
*its time to start posting details on a daily basis, just to be sure that I haven't left out vital information about the special celebration on May 26. Come around 7:00 pm, although before that or after that is fine too. Come in character. Remember that this is not one of those sentimental reminicient events where you squish into your wedding gown and talk about how if you had it to do again, you'd choose the same prince because you're happier than in your wildest dreams. Some of you have already taken razors to your first wedding gown. You can come in that, if you so choose. But, feel free to improvise. The local thrift shop has some lovely overpriced mother of the bride outfits, as well as wedding gowns for a mere $35.00. Don't let me get started!! We all know that there are many lesser thought of roles in a wedding. There is the wedding planner, the flowergirl, the weeping auntie.... Well, you get the shtick.
And don't forget to BYOP. That's bring your own party. A chair might be wise. Something consumable in liquid and solid form will make things feel more festive. Bring a friend if you like, as long as she's female.
presentation preferred..... JUST KIDDING!
maybe you should ELOPE.
..hey baby let's go to Vegas!...
turn it into a beach party?
what is a feather pen?
Wish I could be there. Maybe I'll send a pic.
forget about the "NIVERVILLE BOUTIQUE" -- come to ruths house!!
remember that garage sale i am having for children of the middle east next month? well! someone just contributed 2 "beautiful" wedding dresses for the sale. AND A MATCHING LACE HAT WITH ATTACHED VEIL!!
its too perfect.
thrift store sells for $35? i'll let these beauties walk away for the mere FIVE DOLLARS!!! that's right folks, no need to adjust your hearing aids.
FIVE BUCKS WILL BUY YOU YOUR HEARTS DESIRE. and if you act fast i'll throw in a sweater for any future ugly sweater parties joyce may throw in the future.
Ok, the feather pen was a big fad in the eighties for sure,and probably before. Its a long white pen with a long white feather on its end. I think it was meant to look romantic and dreamy. It looked more like part of an anemic chicken...
Lace hat? Boy , that's tempting...
i'd love to come but we are way too busy this month and next.
ok Michele, the gig is up. I more than suspect that YOU"RE the hairy sweaty guy who lives in his parents basement.... stalk, stalk, stalk...
Joyce, looks like I am going to have to send my regrets and cash in a card... as it turns out, my best friend is throwing herself a birthday party the same evening as your wedding. All apologies.
What's with all the excuses for people not showing up for the party? I guess they've never been to a JOYCE party. Always a hoot! Will there be a dance floor?
Yeah, anonymous, WHAT'S WITH THAT?!
I think its time to go to the highways and the biways, find some lonely losers and ugly hairy people, and sad and droopy people, some delusional people, and a few people who are into triangle schemes so they can come and try to sell us stuff....
Ah, well. They'll never know what they missed... ACTUALLY, THEY WILL! Because I'll be posting pictures to the envy of all.
That anonymous comment was me. See how often I'm commenting. I'm so excited about the party. I went to buy the finishing touch tonight: blue, shimmery eyeshadow. See you tomorrow.
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