It's been an unusual kind of summer. Having four children has kept me firmly planted in the land of the living- me: half-baked; and them: full-throttle. We've managed to enjoy a number of lakes between quick visits to the hospital. The "Florence Nightengale" dream of being super supportive sister has been nearly drowned out amongst the screaming needs of my own family. My mother keeps telling me to put my children first, and how they need me right now to be with them, and not to burden myself with unnecessary guilt for what I'm NOT doing these days.
I swear I'm trying to believe that.
It has been with mixed emotions that many glorious summer days have been spent with dear people during these unforgivingly hot summer days. Elaine and I go back since we were squalling babies in the church nursery, and "neighbors"- only two and a quarter country miles between our farms. There are few things as soothing as an authentic old friend's company when the familiar earth beneath our feet seems to shift unexpectedly.

It doesn't feel good. Still, I pray for healing. For him, for me, for us.
Your mom is right, listen to her!
lots of love!
Being Florence Nightingale is over-rated anyway. I'm with Mom. Looking forward to seeing you at the lake later today.....
You have so much love in your heart. Just make sure there's time and love for Joyce! Take Care!
I enjoy your blog.you remind me of a lady that lives near my home town.you could be her twin.you have a way with words.sorry you and your family have been through so much.I will pray for you and yours.life isnt easy and we dont know why things happen as they do.but one thing we know is God does not send this.but if we let him he will help us through.we had to say goodby to my stepfather a few years ago.it was fast but still hard.but the Lord helped us through.God give you the grace to walk through this time.and Lord give mercy to their loved one and hold him in your hand.you are in our prayers.
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