Certainly not finding it in these places.
And as much as I love to stumble; sometimes it just brings out the devil in me. Makes it look like everyone else is living perfectly serene green lives. (And I mean the kind that doesn't require kleenex...)
There's nothing quite like getting outdoors in the Real World to set one's happyometer to rights
once again. The outdoors around here lately have been un-January-ously mild and breathtaking.
The kids explore every bump and ridge from here to the thrift shop, while Shadow the dog diligently pees on Every Thing with inspiring levels of commitment. She's sure I don't mind constantly untangleing her leash from the wheels of the stroller.
We bump into other "people in the trade"; out for some fresh air and fresh perspective. We jump around and wave happily.
The thrift shop doesn't let us down. A purple plastic Bratz guitar sets an instant stage for the kids to want to stay and play for ever. Joycie finds The Perfect Pillow. (one can rarely have too many). And a vintage tea towel, perfect for a future grocery tote at Bags 4 Darfur.
Home in time for lunch.
The place looks lovelier than it did when we left. The fresh winter air has blown some "bored and grumpied" out of us, and maybe if we look a little more closely, we'll find that inspiration that we so need on these January days.
I spent some time on Sunday flipping through "Sewing Green" at the book store.
How I wish I could stand having wool against my neck, but it makes me freakishly itchy.
Keep posting. Keep posting. Keep posting. (this in my best 'dory' voice.)
That blog you have pictured? Yeah, I had to delete it from my blog list 'cause it just made me feel WAY too inadequate.
p.s. I'm rather fond of my word verification. Bumliz. If only my name were Liz. :-)
yes, is very good.
I like your use of dashes, too.
Heather- did you quit blogging?!
Judy- but what about all those other completely amazing projects in there?! I'll likely look at them, oooh and ahhh, and then go back to making the same dang thing that I always do.
Very inspiring, that book.
I have Amanda Blake's (SouleMama's) book and I really liked it...however, I had to stop reading her blog as well. It made me look around my house and at my parenting and feel horribly inferior.
Love your posts.
really, Bria? Really, really, R-E-A-L-L-Y!!??
Is it wrong to feel validated that you had to delete Soulemama from your links as well? She just made me completely angry. adn I would rant to my husband, speculating on WHERE in her life does the frustration go? Does she rage in her sleep? Take it out on her husband? One woman can simply NOT home school, be pregnant while she's knitting at the movies, publish two books, make everything organic from scratch, and hand make all her family's clothes.
There simply has to be a pay off. And I want to know what it is. Either that-- or she is extraterrestrial. In that case, I'm still mad at her because she is insisting that she is human.
But very,very talented, pleasant, artistic, and just plain good at everything. She's inspiring. As long as I only go to her site about twice annually.
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