Yes, its my birthday.
As I sit here, enjoying my delicious chocolate from Tanya, I can glance up and enjoy my newly hung politically incorrect kitchen curtains. Hung there, as a gift to myself, because I love how wrong, wrong, wrong, it is to hang curtains depicting ashtrays of cigarettes flanked by martinis, and olives in my happy little kitchen. (thanks again, Rose, for that fabulous fabric)
My gift from Brian nestles in with its coloured glass cousins. Lovely, isn't it?
I have received many, many gifts. Not one of them has been wrapped up in pretty paper, or used tape or ribbon of any kind. I don't believe a cent has been spent at any department stores. But I've gotten e-mails from more people than I deserve, and I'm not just saying that. It's true, because if there is one thing that I never deserve; its people remembering my birthday. That's because it is one of my greatest faults that I never, ever, remember anyone's birthday. Ever. And annually, I am reminded of how many other people are extraordinarily good at remembering. I so appreciate your kindnesses, and I'm sorry once again for how annually, predictably, I will let you down.
It's in every contract of every single friendship that I form.
Now, back to the wonderfulness of this day. Brian and I got one of those USB turntables that enables one to listen to old record albums, and digitally convert them so the music is stored on one's computer. RIGHT NOW, I am listening to an album of Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton singing Christmas songs!! Like I explained to my baffled looking daughter: its supposed to be corny. That's the point. Nothing could make me happier than Kenny Rogers at Christmas. Well,

that, and Christmas trees and vintage bulbs....
But there is another gift that made me weep, and I mean weep on my keyboard. My friend Lory sent me a link to a YouTube that is just too wonderful.
And here it is, as a gift to you.
Now, go on and do something lovely.
41 never looked so good.
ok... I'm tearing over you tearing over the link that I teared over and just had to send to you. Feeling a bit teary am I?
I have to tell your followers to not just check it out, but follow the link to
'the beckoning of lovely'
where JOyce should be welcomed with open arms.
Boler Babe
(I am continued to honor your day of birth with all things celebratory)
the details of which are here:
This woman is so inspiring.
happy birthday lovely joyce. those curtains are so .... i can't find words. keep it up.
Joyce, you are such an amazing woman. You inspire me with your generosity, your honesty, your joy. You are showing me that even us "stay-at-home-moms" can make a difference. Our church, and our community, are blessed to have you:) Plus, you are the best hemmer/darter EVER!!!
love Becky :)
Oh yeah...Happy Birthday!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dolly and Kenny Christmas! I have the tape and CD and it is always a part of the Christmas playlist! If you really want cheesy that will make your kids roll their eyes, try out "John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together". Yet another holiday classic!
PS Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Kenny Rogers and Dolly? My, that brings me back!
happy b-day Joyce...all the "good folk" are born in November : ) L-lew
happy b-day Joyce...all the "good folk" are born in November : ) L-lew
Happy Birthday Funny Lady!
That USB thingamabob is uber kewl..I'll bet that your tweeters and woofer are working overtime these days!?
I hate to be a nit-picker but Dolly and Kenny?
OK, Islands in the Stream, maybe..but if you start playing Two Doors Down or the Gambler, I'm calling the CRTC.
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