If one has not given everything, one has given nothing. -Georges Guynemer
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.- Oscar Wilde
It usually takes a long time to find a shorter way.- Anonymous
Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure.- William Saroyan
Nothing endures but change.- Heraclitus
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.- Chinese proverb
And then there were these......
It's better to be quotable than to be honest.- Tom Stoppard
'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all doubt.- Samuel Johnson
And now for a few words from your sponsor....
Risk. Can make your neck hurt when you stick it out. Hopefully I've learned to be reasonably sensitive to other people as I explore my own dark corners. Hopefully I can identify boundries between what are truly my issues, and what I have to firmly park in someone else's back yard.
The point is to explore things through words and mind pictures. The point is never to poke at other people's pain, or to assign blame. The hope is that through honest evaluation, other people could possibly identify with a topic and find comradarie here. The hope is that new directions can be found through laughter and tears.
The wish is for some of these annoying blocks to get a little softer, or maybe just go away.
Those blocks make me feel small, afraid, inadequate, inferior, guilty, stupid, and voiceless.
That doesn't sound like a direction I want to continue in.
Well said, Joyce.
Schwester Mary
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