Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Mexico. Really.


All you world-wise, world travelling show-offy worldly people have seen all this before. You're over there, all *yawn* been-to-Mexico-a-zillion-times, I'm-sooooo-resort-y, we-always-have-guacamole-at-lunch.



Or, rather, we've been to Mexico. We can join your special clubs now.

The patio doors stayed open all night for our first sleep. There was green stuff! And ocean wind! And humidity! (remember humidity? I think I'd forgotten). And it was so. not. cold.

Plus pretty purple and pink accents to the green stuff.

I may have wept.

Even before I saw the make-your-own Mimosa section at the breakfast buffet.

And then it was really just a question of which bikini- black? or blue?

And which book? (I do believe I packed eight.....)

Brian had the courage and wherewithall to breathe underwater and search for transparent Mexican fish.

While I read my stories.

In my blue bikini.


At times it was prudent to pause for refreshments.

Look around for a bit.

Meet the locals.








Maybe change it up a little, somewhere around Tuesday? mid-morning?


So good.

So very, very good.

Then, having grown accustomed to our bellies sated, we found ourselves at the end of our trip, and hungry at the Cancun airport.

With so much to celebrate.

Not the least of it being the apparent arrival of spring in Manitoba.

Our boy Micah having turned sixteen in our absence.

And our second daughter Jane about to become an adult, right after our return.


And did I mention the honeymoon?

Crummy picture, awesome time.

There's nothing quite like a honeymoon,

after the honeymoon has been over

for twenty some years.

In Mexico. Really.



janice said...

Thank you Joyceeeeeeeeeeeee. I have been on 3 all-inclusives now, and i have never seen such great documentary description. What a HAWT couple you are - I was noticing what a handsome dude you have and then I saw that last photo - WOW - I think you deserve each other! BTW, Have you noticed your hair is brown? It looks great.

So glad you had a happy honeymoon. Your kids grew up fast!

It is 10 AM and I want a beergarita now. At the Cancun airport would be preferable.

Welcome back to sticky fingers and handprints everywhere. Happy birthday to the offspring.

joyce said...

Great documentary, ha ha ha! Would be nice if I could add a "smell" feature.

I'll bet that's the first photo you've seen of the elusive Brian. He doesn't like his pic taken, but allowed me the rare privilege- sort of a "Mexican Special".

Yes, the hair, brown. Walmart had it in stock.

I'm a bit choked up about my two adult daughters. Even more so, upon coming home to be picked up by #1, then coming home to a tidy house, thanks to daughter #2. They made me so happy.

The fish burger and beerguerita were very delicious and shockingly overpriced. They can do that to hungry people trapped in an airport.
A small coffee at Starbucks in the airport was $7 US.
They had me though, the coffee at the resort was not my highlight. Boo hoo- big, huge problems thatI have.

Janice, you are a peach.

Karla said...

I can't believe I made it into your paradise post!!! I smiled non-stop while looking at you "repeating"!!! You know how to do a holiday!!

Judy said...

Wow. Looks like you had an amazing time! I've never been to Mexico, but if I ever do go there I will be able to tell them my name, that I am sick, and to ask where to find a bathroom. Quite possibly that is why I haven't gone there.

Roo said...

happy hunnymoon!

Periwinkle Dzyns said...

awesome post, jealous but happy for you!