Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Just Wanna-Be Wanda

"Why can't I be Wanda?"; she whined when she wandered by Wanda's wares and wondered at the sign that said "Sold Out".

Wistfully she wished that she was good at marketing. Wished that her ideas would grow wings and win customers. Wondered if wiping bums would be her weeks winnings forevermore.

ah, Wanda. Why can't bags and hats and bracelets made of winning vintage fabrics be my writing on the wall? Whistling all the way to the bank then, would I.

All those winning pieces of washable wonders. My wearable wares whipped up from weary wardrobe cast-offs ought to be well-worn by the wealthy and make me well-to-do.

Wanda. You are yet wet behind your whimsical ears, while I wither with wind and work and age.

I wish I were worthy of that workwoman, Wanda. Will my willpower wither if you withhold from me your winning marketing ways?

Woe-be-gone are we. I can hardly withstand my want of becoming Wanda.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Joyce. I proudly wear the bag you made with your skill, thriftiness and creativity. It is one of a kind and I get many comments about it. Move over Wanda. Joyce is on her way.
BTW, I see you got the pasties lady in the background.

joyce said...

Holy pastie-itis-Alice!! You are one sharp cookie. And I'm not referring to your nipples now. I had not noticed pastie lady until you "pointed" her out.... (notice that I've not written a post wanting to be her....)

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. I enlarged it because I thought you two had gone off the deep end. But I found her W>O>W O.k. daughters of mine perhaps I was a little hasty at not letting you get the two piece bathing suit. Joyce I like the Dr. Suess lilt to this post.

Roo said...

can wanda make mouthwatering apple pie -- pie that is soooo yummy you have to eat THE ENTIRE PIE IN ONE SITTING. by yourself.

Bonnie said...

I'm sure Wanda is Wonderful but Joyce is Jubulant!!!

(Is that woman crazy?? What was she thinking?)

Linda said...

There were lots of Wandas there. How do they do it?

Another Wanda wannabe.

Judy said...

About that one lady in the picture...


My grandson (1 1/2) can achieve that same effect with two peanut butter crackers.

Now WANDA, on the other hand, is enviable.

But Joyce, you are all-around-awesomely-cool.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can make me a hemp necklace?? You know how much I love stuff like that.

Jennie C. said...

Oh my oh my -- so glad I read the comments section AND enlarged the picture AND found the pasties lady. I was looking for some sort of meat and potato filled treat and that is NOT what I found ... or is it?