Sunday, September 03, 2006

What Not to Do

Do not forget to refill a very important prescription on the Friday of a long weekend. Especially one which within seven hours of a missed dose demonstrates itself in nasty side-effects. Do not then work two consecutive night shifts with broken and insufficient jags of sleep. After the second such a night, do not come home, intend on going straight to bed but instead begin to CAN SALSA.

Do NOT drink coffee, eat muffins and cheddar cheese, fresh pickles from grandma, a chocolate chip cookie, and a few tastes of fresh salsa while canning and feeling your head float several feet above your shoulders. And all this before 10:00 am.

I repeat. If you want to be well, DO NOT do as I do.


Roo said...

thanks joyce.
i'll try to remember.

Christine said...


Carlotti said...

What I want to know is, did you also DANCE salsa?

I think we all have a touch of the bipolar in us......

Cherrypie said...

I wish I'd read this BEFORE I went to the doctor's this morning.

Sometimes a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do, I think someone once almost said.