Monday, January 02, 2006

Good Intentions

"Go play nintendo until your brain liquifies and runs out of your ears."

Yes, its day 11 of Christmas break. Let the play dough rot in their self righteous colour coded wrappings. Forget the full size community ice rink right behind our yard. That "Operation" game from Wal-Mart is too bloody loud, and only a skilled neuro surgeon could remove that plastic adam's apple anyhow. The karaoke cd plays sucky songs, the chocolates taste waxy.

I think it would be wise to get about 5 more computers, and a couple of violent games. That way, the kids wouldn't need much attention . I could quilt til the kids graduate and Brian could blog in Japanese without having to take turns with the computer. Throw in a couple of frozen pizzas and this raising kids thing would be a breeze.

I'm always an amazing wife and mother til Brian and the kids come home and ruin it all.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh man..can I RELATE.