Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

When God took a day or a million years or so to create the human body, he sure put a lot of amazing creativity into it. Some of that creativity is subtle enough that not everyone becomes aware of them, even though they walk around with all the componants of the project for the entire duration of their human existance.

Something that holds a great deal of reverence and fascination for me is the mind/body/spirit connection. On some level I've always been aware of it, but the first time I was fully conscious and grateful of it was when my kindly Doctor first suggested antidepressants to me. I spoke aloud some of my fears about medicating my mind- fearing that it was similar to smoking dope or snorking cocaine when what I needed was some sort of God revelation or healing.

My Doctor took his prescription pad, turned it over, and drew three conjoining circles. One he labelled "body", one "mind" and one "spirit". Then he indicated how when one circle is skewed, it pulls the other two out of alignment. (sort of like a chiropractic schtick). How, if I was treating a spiritual problem with a physical solution, the spiritual problem would still continue to exist and would still cry out to be addressed. With, or without antidepressants.

And that's one of the ways that these three componants befriend and look out for each other. If your brain or your spirit is not restful, it lets your body know. If you've not learned how to hear your feelings or your spirit,, your body starts acting up and yelling a little louder, in the hopes that all the voices will be heard. Maybe your back will hurt. Your head will hurt, or you'll need more rest than usual. It's because yourself is trying to tell you something.

This kind of thinking freaks some people out because it sounds beat-a-drum-in-the-woods-ish. But I believe that's because the credit is not going where credit is due: the creator. Somehow it's easier to say that people have depressive or anxious issues because they didn't get the answer that they were taught at Sunday School: Jesus. (Remember when you sat on the long bench in Sunday School, and half-listened, and when you heard your teacher's voice lilt in that "question' way, you just shot your hand up and shouted "JESUS!", 'cuz you just knew that would always be the right answer?) Problem is, I knew the answer, but I had little or no idea what that meant on a practical level. What it sounded like to me, was that you had better believe that was the answer, then squelch anything that felt awful because that meant you weren't believing quite hard enough. That you were obviously quite sinful or something, because shoving up your hand and shouting Jesus just didn't make anything better at all.

Now, I believe that it's all much more mysterious than we'd first suspected. It's not coincidental that Jesus spoke in riddles and stories to the complete conundrum of most of his listeners. Disciples included. It's all wrapped up in a tonne of mystery. Whenever I get anxious about 'believing all the right stuff", I think about all those religious leaders who followed the jewish laws and customs and ran the synagogues and did the animal sacrifices for all the church people of jesus' day. Turns out that Jesus called them weird stuff like "brood of vipers". And stuff about how they'd never make it unless they expected God to do it for them.

So, when I discover connections between my body, my brain, and my heart, I credit it to God. I figure he's the one who put it all together, so He's the one who gets the credit.

Recently, I've had a little help getting in touch with an emotion or two. Weirdly, it's always intimidating. You wonder if you'll turn into Sybil or something, maybe grow fangs or additional facial hair, or get one of those slippery beasts bursting forth from your bosom. Usually, it's only a slippery tear or two; nothing out of the ordinary at all. And that's not the brain/body connection after all. The connection is more practical than discovering that you have a slippery monster sharing your skin.

Your body begins to feel more fully inhabited. Luminous. Less foreign and frightening and less like a potential criminal that needs restraint.

The road to getting there is by tunneling down into your body and locating an emotion that you suspect is trying to tell you something. You hold it close, look at it in your hand, check for colour and a voice, and feel around to see where in your body this emotion makes its home. You stop trying to hide from it, you stop trying to make it go away. You "shake hands with the neighbors", so to speak.

Weird and wonderful stuff happens. Turns out that your emotions can teach your brain and your body a thing or two if you just listen. And you're not listening to a drum in the bush, sitting in the lotus position and emptying your mind.

You are listening to the amazing piece of machinery that your Creator made.

Something to think about.


Anonymous said...

You have touched on a subject near and dear to my heart. I have been learning to listen over the past couple of years and have discovered the source of my migraines. I now know that fear triggers them (not caffeine, msgs, red wine or pms). I have learned to deal with the fear before the migraine takes over and debilitates me for 3 days. What a freedom there is in being able to connect the body to the emotional and spiritual.
May I reccomend a book that has taught me much on this suject:
"A More Excellent Way" by Henry Wright.
P.S. When someone first pointed out this connection to me I thought they were out to lunch, but have discovered, along with you, that we are very complex beings made by a very complex God.

Leanne said...

Wonderful post. This needs to be talked about FAR more often than it is.
I was recently speaking with a woman who had done much research and thinking and came to the conclusion that the cancer she battled for years was a result of an overly stressful and busy life. She said that she didn't listen to the cues her body was giving her for a long time. At first I was skeptical, but when I started to think about it...hmmmm.
Very interesting.
Thank you for writing this.

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful writer. I hope you never go "private" cuz I luv reading your posts. You are blessed above all! Have a great evening and keep writing!

Roo said...

!!!! love this revelation. God is so much more intricate and amazing and creative than I think we are ever able to imagine. And when we catch just a teeny, small glimpse of totally boggles our mind! My mind, anway.

i've also encountered physical problems with my body that came as a direct result of some deep heart issues I was facing in life. And once the heart issue started to heal -- so did my physical issue.

joyce said...

Pants- I love it when you sign yourself as pants. It reminds me of another time in life, when you and Carol and I would find things to laugh about. We really must get together for some red wine, caffiene, and msg.... At least that is what MY HEART is telling me...

Leanne- awesome, thanks. I was a little vulnerable writing about this, but then I remembered that my emporer's clothing gig has been up for a loooooooooooong time already, so what's left to risk?!

hey, anonymous- YOU I LIKE!
It is soooo good to come to the keyboard and get an encouragement like that. Thank you.

ra-ra-ra-Rooofie! Does this mean that we are feeling better? Maybe your heart is telling you that you need some of Brian's mushroom mousakka?

Judy said...


Like, really wow.

Crystal said...

I find it mind blowing that some people would DENY there's a mind-body-spirit connection.

Great post.

Heather Plett said...

Wow. You have this incredible capacity to write stuff that just sits with me for a long while afterward. I read this post yesterday and am still thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like new age mumbo jumbo to me. You just need to pray harder...KIDDING!!

That was very well put. I can never say things like this without putting my foot in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Very good post Joyce....L-lew

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first "anonymous". Continue writing! I really enjoy visiting your blog every now and then. You put into words so many thoughts I can identify with.
And I have to say, I wish I had a friend like you nearby, that would throw parties like yours. Or maybe I should just have my own "ugly sweater party"..? (or maybe we can have one in heaven one day :))
Bless you sister!

Judy said...

(oh. i just have to believe that there will be no ugly sweaters in heaven.)

mmichele said...

i think they will be just as ugly, but we'll only see how lovely they really are.