Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Sweater Segue

dear diary;
I've been so busy learning how to deal with conflict that I nearly forgot that our big party is in four sleeps! But Dave Sanderson of the Winnipeg Free Press hasn't forgotten! He keeps sending these e-mails talking about his big fancy photo spreads in the Detour section, and then whispers "front page" in my ticklish ear. ooooh! I must confess I've always wanted to be somebody.... I can just feel it-- This is my big moment!!

Here's how I bet it will go.... We'll start out chatting about knitted garments- about sleeve length, cowell as opposed to v-necked; the benefits of broomstick knit versus traditional knit and purl.... and that will effortlessly segue into a piece about my various and many skills and accomplishments to this point in life. Forty will never look so good! After I get published and my name gets networked around the city, around the surrounding communities, and then.... well... worldwide...Well, after that I just know that I'll really be SOMEBODY! Then the calls will start pouring in. I'll do seminars. Weekend retreats. Do those signing thingies at Chapters, with a fancy Starbucks coffee in one hand. I'LL BE ABLE TO AFFORD STARBUCKS! I'll spend so much time running from signing to signing that I'll develop long, luxurious, muscular thighs. Then I'll have to write more books about how I got over compulsive eating, started running from reporter to reporter, and how I henceforth and forever more look really good on the photo on the backs of all the books I'm publishing. Then, because my life is full and rich, and I've become wildly successful, I won't have any problems ever again. I'll not have to deal with conflict. Disappointment. Security issues.

And that's only the good that I expect will come through Dave Sanderson and the Winnipeg Free Press.

Now, the blurb on Shaw TV with Joanne Kelly..... Well, there's just no telling where that could go!


Anonymous said...

You make me laugh.

by the way, I tagged you so you're it...sorry.

Anonymous said...

Ummm... chai latte...

gloria said...

nu uh! caramel macchiato is the way to go.

can't wait! gonna find something his and hers for this night.

yup, you heard me, i am bringing a MAN!

Anonymous said...

Joyce...that was GREAT!Kathy

gloria said...

Got my sweaters! Hehe

Anonymous said...

Joyce we're coming but oh the sweater what will it be? Roselle

Anonymous said...

Hey, I wan't going to want to come. Now I do. Oh well, I'll be looking after 3 of my beautiful grandkids! Have fun!

Roo said...

wow joyce, when you get famous and all that -- don't forget about us little guys. k?