Went hunting for "bag" trims, and came home with the mother load. Looks like someone's needling granny may have passed away, and her 7 sons threw all her bits and bobbins in a bag and hauled it off to the thrift shop. After sifting through a tonne of crap, I came away with some terrific vintage buttons, a bunch of trims and ribbons, and some belt buckles for
Michelle, if they are anything she can use for her funky candy wrapper belts. There are also these packages of sewing needles that must have come as samples along with flour, and milk. How come we don't get treats with our flour and milk any more?
oh! i had wanted to stop at the "boutique" this morning....
but i ran out of steam.
nice buttons. :)
Who's got the buttons
(if you say that just right, it sounds kinda cool.)
I think you are correct. Seven sons. Never understood Ma.
You did fabulous!!!
Judy - Anybody Home - www.judyh58.blogspot.com
hey those buckles are great... and already parted from the belts! usually we do that.
oh, and what are the bags for darfur?
Oooh, good work! I like those bright red buttons.
The girlies and I picked up 2 big jars of buttons at the local MCC this week. After supper we sorted and sorted and sorted. Then we put them back in the jar for now.
Looking at all those buttons reminded me of the old glass jar my mom had full of them when I was a little girl...all shapes, all colors, all sizes. I used to love to dump them out and just sift them thru my hands. Alas, I am NOT a seamstress and do next-to-no sewing of any sort -- my Dear Hubby does his own mending on his hunting clothes! -- but I've always loved buttons. I came over from Judy's "Anybody Home" site...enjoyed my visit here very much. Please stop by if you get a chance some time...the door's always open! :-)
love you joyce,
I have not had any time to really blog and only added a post on my blog today cause i stuffed my grumpy daughter in her crib for 30 minutes, but i made it here in the wee hours and i love the buttons, love you an dhave thoroughly loved looking back at all the entries i have missed since i have not been online. I was looking for a treasure today for you at the thrift store, but alas, nothing of joyce vintage cute classiness caught my eye, one day it will and you will get a little prize. hugs
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