A whole extra day without daycare, two out of four kids off at the lake with their aunties, and time enough to sew!
This time, I made the bag backpack size- good for school kids, or adults like me who like to have a whole closet full of bag choices.

I hadn't gotten around to buying a turkey in time for thanksgiving, but when a friend stopped by and smelled my borscht simmering on the stove, she agreed to a turkey for soup swap.
We pulled off this colourful, delicious dinner with minimal effort.
I'd like to do Thanksgiving weekend all over again, starting right now.
Oooo... LOVE the bag!
Yeah, I'm all for starting Thanksgiving over again too.
"2 out of 4 kids off to the lake with their aunties". your kids have aunties too?
LOVE the creations.
i too want to rewind the day.
"it's true," sighed ROO
Had a lovely day at the lake with your kids!
From one of the real-live aunties!
ahhh, sounds like a wonderful day.
you are sooooooooo creative, i wish i had some of your creative energy!!!
i just might have to buy one of your bags.
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